
Best of 2018: Brigid and John with Brandon Vick by David Beyerlein

One of my first shoots of the season was with the talented Brandon Vick, for Brigid and John’s wedding. Brandon takes great pride in his laid-back style and attention to ornate beauty, and this wedding was the pinnacle of both. Brigid and John celebrated their wedding day at their stunning home in Webster, NY. I had the pleasure of working with the ever-talented, detail-oriented Jorge Cazzorla, who planned the wedding and designed every floral arrangement. Brigid had an incredible sense of humor, and was warm and open in sharing her day. I could tell that John was beloved by those around him for a reason; he was similarly sincere and approachable, and was so eager to talk about his passion for photography and photographic gear. Working under Brandon Vick on John and Brigid’s wedding was an exemplary way to kick off the 2018 wedding season.