Penfield SB2W 2023

Dianke, Kristin and the Summer’s Best 2 Weeks Family,

I had a blast at the track meet yesterday. It was incredible to reminisce my days of camp and immerse in the competitive-yet-loving “I’m Third” spirit. Below are some of my favorite photos I took, and beneath the gallery is a link to download the files.

Please feel free to reach out if you’re interested in other photos. I aim to post some more to this page as they come.

Track Meet @ Rochester Christian Reformed Church - 8.1.2023

Downloadable Zip File

Please click to download the zipped folder, linked here.

On a PC: Right click and select “extract all”.
On a MAC: Double click the zipped folder.

All 23 photos should be in an unzipped folder, titled “20230801_Beyerlein-RCRC_SB2W-track_meet-high_res”. Each file should be around 1 MB in size.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions

With Blessings,

Phone: 585.775.6964 | Email: