RCSD Montessori Academy No. 53

6th Grade Graduation Portraits - 20 June 2023

Thank you for the opportunity to make portraits with the graduating class of 6th graders. Below the collage is 1) a directory for student’s to download a folder containing only their own photos and, 2) instructions for you to download a folder containing all of the students’ portraits.



Students and their families can download their own photos at the links below.
**Their password is their student ID number:


Please click link on student page to download the zipped folder.
On a PC: Right click and select “extract all”.
On a MAC: Double click the zipped folder.

Montessori Staff - Downloading All Portraits

Please click to download the zipped folder of all the 6th grade portraits, linked here.
On a PC: Right click and select “extract all”.
On a MAC: Double click the zipped folder.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions:
Phone: 585.775.6964 | Email: David@DavidBeyerlein.com